Structural metallic sections/profiles (1/4)
Sections/profiles of various shapes (T, L, H, U, Z, I, channels, angle, groove, pipe), flat products (sheet, plate, strip) made of various metal materials, hot-rolled, cold-formed, or otherwise produced, Cast, wrought and bar iron, protected or unprotected by priming (coating) against corrosion. (To be used in metal structures or metal and concrete mixed structures)

Decision: 98/214 / EC

TS EN 10025-1 System 2+
TS EN 10088-4 System 2+
TS EN 10088-5 System 2+
TS EN 10210-1 System 2+
TS EN 10219-1 System 2+
TS EN 10343 System 2+
TS EN 15048-1 System 2+
TS EN 15088 System 2+

Structural metallic sections/profiles (2/4)
Building materials made of structural metal:
Finished metal products such as trusses, beams, columns, stairs, floor rafters, bearing posts, and sheet piles (curtain). Parts, rails, sleepers that are designed for specific applications and cut in appropriate sizes.
These may or may not be protected against corrosion by priming, may be welded or not.

Decision: 98/214 / EC

TS EN 1090-1 + A1 System 2+

TS EN 1090-1 + AC System 2+

Structural metallic sections/profiles (3/4)
Welding materials (for use in structural metal building works)

Decision: 98/214 / EC

TS EN 13479 System 2+

Structural metallic sections/profiles (4/4)
Structural binders
Metal rivets, bolts (nuts and washers), and HR Bolts
(high strength prestressed bolts - High Resistance), with head
nails, screws, railroad sliders. (In structural metal works
for use)

Decision: 98/214 / EC

TS EN 14399-1 System 2+

Aggregates and filling materials for concrete, mortar, and grouting
(In buildings, roads, and other infrastructure works)

Decision: 98/598 / EC

TS 706 EN 12620 + A1 System 2+
TS 1114 EN 13055-1 System 2+
TS EN 13055-2 System 2+
TS 2717 EN 13139 System 2+

For unbound and hydraulically bonded mixtures
(In road and other infrastructure works)

Decision: 98/598 / EC

TS EN 13242 + A1 System 2+

Bituminous mixtures for surface application
(In road and other infrastructure works)

Decision: 98/598 / EC

TS EN 13043 System 2+

Protection layer stones (Armor stone) In water structures and other infrastructure works
Railway ballast (in railway works)

Decision: 98/598 / EC

TS EN 13383-1 + AC System 2+
TS 7043 EN 13450 + AC System 2+

3052011 eu buıldıng materıals regulatıon