ISO 37001 Anti-Corruption Management System

What is ISO 37001?
Loss of business and fines from corruption, bribery and fraud, and the accompanying loss of reputation, can seriously harm companies and cause billions in lost revenue. No organization wants to work with companies that have been involved in bribery and corruption scandals. Such organizations can face harsh penalties by regulatory agencies. Research shows that when an organization or individuals in an organization are found guilty of bribery, the morale and motivation of all employees in that organization drastically. Therefore, taking steps to deter unethical practices in the workforce is crucial to building trust.
The ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System is designed to help an organization implement and maintain a proactive anti-bribery system. The standard provides globally recognized best practices for preventing, detecting and dealing with bribery at all levels of an organization. We can say that the requirements in the standard cover every aspect of the global value chain and go beyond the enterprise´s own operations. The Anti-Bribery Management System includes detailed information on corruption, case studies and examples that clarify the requirements of the standard. Every business, regardless of sector or size, can benefit from the standard.
The content of the standard is as follows:
1. Scope of the standard
2. Normative references
3. Terms and definitions
4. Context of the organization
4.1. Understanding the organization and its context
4.2. Understanding the needs and expectations of stakeholders
4.3. Determining the scope of the anti-bribery management system
4.4. Anti-bribery management system
4.5. Bribery risk assessment
5. Leadership
5.1. Leadership and commitment
5.2. Anti-corruption policy
5.3. Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities
6. Planning
6.1. Actions to address risks and opportunities
6.2. Anti-corruption goals and planning to achieve them
7. Support
7.1. resources
7.2. sufficiency
7.3. Awareness and education
7.4. Communication
7.5. Documented information
8. Operation
8.1. Operational planning and control
8.2. due diligence
8.3. financial controls
8.4. Non-financial controls
8.5. Implementation of anti-bribery controls by controlled entities and business partners
8.6. Anti-bribery commitments
8.7. Gifts, entertainment, donations and similar benefits
8.8. Managing the inadequacy of anti-bribery controls
8.9. do not raise concerns
8.10. Bribery investigation and anti-bribery
9. Performance evaluation
9.1. Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
9.2. Inner control
9.3. Management review
10. Improvement
10.1. Nonconformity and corrective action
10.2. Continuous improvement
ISO 37001 Anti-Corruption Management System Certificate
Businesses that fulfill the requirements of the ISO 37001 standard can obtain ISO 37001 Anti-Corruption Management System Certificate through third-party accredited organizations. ISO 37001 requirements must be met within the framework of a management system as described in the standard. To have detailed information on this subject, companies can contact KIOSCERT. KIOSCERT trainings on the requirements, implementation and internal auditors of the standard. Companies that want to have a certificate can also attend these trainings.Companies that have established an Anti-Corruption Management System in accordance with ISO 37001 apply to certification bodies. The independent auditors of the certification body examine the compliance of the company´s management system with the standard; reports missing and/or incorrect points. Companies can obtain certificates after taking the necessary action on these issues and performing corrective / preventive actions. Companies that receive ISO 37001 Certificate can undergo periodic surveillance audits.
Benefits of ISO 37001 Certificate
Organizations that receive the ISO 37001 Anti-Corruption Management System Certificate directly or indirectly gain many benefits. We can list some of them as follows:
• Measures can be taken against corruption and bribery in accordance with international standards, rules and methods.
• Financial losses due to bribery and corruption are minimized.
• What steps should be taken in cases of corruption that may occur are determined.
• In cases such as bribery, fraud, etc., it can be demonstrated to all stakeholders of the institution that internationally accepted, well-practiced anti-bribery controls are implemented. This is of great importance in terms of protecting corporate reputation.
• ISO 37001 Anti-Corruption Management System Certificate provides evidence that reasonable steps have been taken to prevent bribery in the event of a possible criminal investigation.
• Thanks to the document, corporate prestige is preserved in the eyes of all stakeholders; employee motivation, customer satisfaction increase and new investments are opened.
• ISO 37001 can be easily integrated into management systems such as ISO 9001 quality, environment, energy, occupational health and safety, information security, etc.
ISO 37001 Anti-Corruption Management System Consultancy Service
Organizations that want to obtain ISO 37001 Certificate should definitely get support from a consultancy firm. Issues such as the requirements of the standard, its implementation, monitoring, continuous improvement, etc. will force organizations to a great extent without consulting services. In addition, consultancy support is required in processes such as training and authorization of ISO 37001 internal auditors. At this point, the most important solution partner of the companies is KIOSCERT. KIOSCERT supports organizations that want to obtain ISO 37001 Anti-Corruption Management System Certificate at every step of the certification process.
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