CE Marking

Machine CE Certificate/mark is a document/sign indicating that the final product which is completed under the European Union and Turkey's compliance with the technical regulations is in compliance with essential safety levels.
The CE Certificate states that the produced product has a minimum level of safety and that it does not constitute an obstacle in terms of human health, life and property safety, animal, plant life, and environmental consumers.
The Machinery Directive, published in 1993, has been fully implemented as of 1995 after a two-year transition period. Each machine covered by this directive must have a label bearing the CE mark. If all these safety and health conditions are applied on the basis of regulations, the CE mark is read on the machine or on the label and placed indelibly.
The product, which is put on the market with the CE certificate of the manufacturer, can be easily sold both in the domestic and European markets. Especially in European countries, the CE certificate/mark, which is regarded as the passport of the product, is of great importance for the company.
ce marking